Sunday, January 30, 2011

Indian food love ♥

So recently I've been eating A LOT of Indian food thanks to Russell's new obsession with cooking Indian food. He even bought a huge cook book called "The Best Ever Indian Cookbook." When Russell's really into something, he's REALLY into it. Like how he was going through a Thai/Indian curry phase and I had to eat curry for like 2 weeks straight ;_; Thank goodness his food actually tastes good or else I'd have to pretend to like it! We actually go to the Indian Market (located on S. Beretania St.) to pick up the ingredients. It has pretty much everything you would need to make Indian food! They even got Indian movies and jewelry. Here are a few of his Indian dishes he has made so far!

Pork vindaloo... kind of like a curry but has a more ginger taste to it.

Another pork curry type dish

Some kind of lamb lentil soup dish (sorry don't know the exact name!) and Russell's homemade naan......... jusssst kidding. We actually bought the naan already made haha. Just had to put in the oven for a minute and voilĂ , it's done and ready to eat! It's so good too!

Ok Russ didn't make this. We actually went to an Indian Restaurant called Cafe TajMahal that we randomly found on our way to The Big Fat Greek. I wasn't in a Greek mood so decided to try here. It is is a small restaurant right behind The Big Fat Greek. I was happy to find "lassi" on the menu which for those who don't know is an Indian yogurt type milkshake. Something I discovered when I went to India Cafe. I love it!! And I think it's actually better than India Cafe. It's more thick and a little bit sweeter. Taste just like a yogurt milkshake lol. It helps a lot with the spicy foods!!

Fish curry... that was my fav.

Indian lamb curry... this had HUGE chunks of lamb. Normally I'm not a big lamb fan but this was soft and tender. Taste just like beef but softer :)

Their fresh out of the oven naan... I think this was the best I've ever had!

And this is what I ate tonight... Russell's version of an "Indian" burger.

You'd think by now I'd be sick of eating Indian food but actually I still want to try out some other Indian restaurants. I loveee spicy food so that's probably why me and Indian food mix so well :D


  1. can your bf come over and teach my bf how to cook these magical things? lucky girl!

    i love tajmahal too. the vegetarian curry is nom nom.

    how do you make an indian burger?

  2. Hahah.. well sometimes Russell's dishes don't always turn out so great :x but don't tell him I said that lol. Most of the time though I'm pretty surprised since he has no cooking background, just a love for food :P

    To be honest, not sure exactly what's in his burgerrr.. but in this one all I know is he mixed ground pork and ground beef and mixed it with a lot of indian spices and probably some veggies inside it? lol. I Should ask him though, but he probably forgot what he put it in since he just makes it up on the spot.
